About: A Discord bot for getting the weather near you, or around the world. Displays weather and rain with wonderful graphs.

Screenshot from the w!quick
Powered using the DarkSky API, it showed you the temp, chance of rain, and more while displaying it on beautiful embedded cards. While there were other bots that did what WeatherBot did already, all of them added it in as an after-thought and thus the quality that those commands provided were diminished. By having a single bot dedicated to the task, it was able to do so much more such as an rain alarm, morning reports, and more.
At its peak, the bot had over 10,000 servers actively using the bot every day. However after DarkSky was purchased by Apple, they shut DarkSky's public API down. Killing off the bot in the process as I did not have the budget to use the more expensive solutions.
Rain alarm command
One of the most popular utilities WeatherBot provided was the ability to set your location and it would actively monitor the weather around you, warning you if rain or any other danger was approaching. It worked by polling the weather around a location while also ingesting raw data from NOAA/NWS and other sources. All to provide as accurate reports to the end user as possible without breaking the budget.