About: A smart data observation platform designed for ease-of-use and developer comfort. Using a single request, you can gain insight into your whole stack.

Front-page of ConstellationsDB, showing off its ability to track data over time easily.
Data has always been one of my passions and I've built several platforms in the past for certain projects for managing and maintaining data from all kinds of sources. However, one day, I had realized that the tech debt I had taken on by doing all of this was too much. So I decided to try and consolidate what I had learned from the 4 years of developing data observation tools into Constellations. The platform was designed from the ground up to be as simple as possible without being light on features since I had intended this to be used by the type of developer who doesn't want to have to setup self-hosted versions or pay large amounts for features they dont need.
What started the development was a conversation with my friend about how easy CountAPI was to use and how awesome it would be to have something like that but have a graph over time. From that conversation in October 2021 came ConstellationsDB.
Originally named Lodestar, it was made using Python and Vue, these tools I was most comfortable using so it made sense to build a MVP using them. I wanted to try out PostgreSQL as I had no experience up to this point of SQL. I always aim to challenge myself by learning something new each project but this also ended up granting superb performance. Using a PostgreSQL plugin called TimescaleDB allowed for a far more efficient storage of time-series data without breaking the bank, this was key as the budget for this project was basically nothing. Thanks to the APIs RESTful design, it can be scaled infinitely, so long as the database can keep up of course.
Constellations does one thing, and one thing well. Store and view data across time.